Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Watermelon 500

Anyone who has lived in Atlanta can appreciate this video, make sure to check out the caravan behind them at the end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with going the speed limit... However you were breaking the law. It is illegal in the State of Georgia to ride beside another car driving at the same speed on a multi-lane road.

7:58 PM  
Blogger citywatcher said...

Eh, the "Watermelon 500" is a trucker term describing crazy traffic on I-285 in Atlanta. Why watermelon? Because it refers to blacks and their disruptive driving habits. Ex: driving slow on the inside lane, driving fast on the outside lane, talking on cellphones while driving, riding to be seen instead of simply traveling, changing lanes with no signal, etc.

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last commenter was close. Truckers refer to I-285 as the Watermelon 500 because Atlanta has a high population of Black people. It also has been referred to by Truckers as Ring around the Congo.

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just hearing about this term in 2024. Did a search, and here I am. As a black person (and GT alum), I should be shocked, but not much shocks me anymore.

2:52 PM  

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